Quilting Activities I Recommend, Part II

I’ve never been much of a “traditional” quilter. Early in my sewing life, I resisted the perfectionist tendencies that seem to creep into traditional quilts. I thought it was ridiculous that my 4-H sewing projects were judged on having perfect points or that people would insist that there was a right or wrong way to do anything. I was an artist, after all! That resistance was part of why I didn’t start quilting until I was 25, a full 15 years after I started trying to make my own clothes. Quilting seemed so tedious and quilters seemed uptight. That brings me to today. Today I love quilting. I could go on and on about the ways that quilting has improved my mental health, logical thinking skills, time management, and even my own tendencies toward perfectionism and anxiety. Once I learned some of the tricks of quilting (I love this book for intermediate quilting tricks), it became a meditative practice. There is something so calming about sitting down with 100 beautiful little bits ...