Hexagon One Block Wonder - My Latest Quilting Fixation

I learned about One Block Wonder quilts on Instagram. I was blown away by the first one I saw. If you ever need inspiration, just go to #oneblockwonder to see a wide variety of incredible quilts. Here are some reasons I love making these quilts (and some tips for making your own). 1. Every One Block Wonder quilt is totally unique. You start by taking a panel or other repeating design and carefully stacking six pieces on one another. There are several great techniques for effectively stacking discussed here . You then cut strips of 4-6" and use a 60 degree ruler to cut a series of triangles. I usually cut between 25-35 triangles for a throw sized quilt. Every triangle is different. And the way I lay out each triangle differs. That means that even if fifty people started with the same exact fabric, the resulting quilts would all look very different from one another. 2. The end result of the One Block Wonder process is really impressive, but the sewing process is act...