Cutting Fabric to See Differently

On a recent trip to Pittsburgh I was finally able to visit the Andy Warhol Museum . As much as I am ambivalent about his iconic pop culture status (and his films), I have always appreciated the way his work makes us look at things differently. The repeating images and color distortions force the viewer to look again and notice things that our brains typically gloss over. I experimented with these techniques in my own artwork when I was a youngster. I'm now circling back to my Warhol-ian inspiration in some of my quilting. My first attempt was this Elvis Quilt (available on Etsy ). Along the bottom of the quilt you can see different neon blocks of dancing Elvises. The fabric was a series of these panels. The fabric feels a bit like Warhol in its raw format because of the neon colors and the sharp contrasts between the black and white clothes and the bright backgrounds. I used the One Block Wonder technique to go even farther in the Warhol direction. This means I took six pan...